MTS is simply an online assessment tool designed to help students improve preparedness and competitiveness for any competition exam conducted all throughout the country. Our question bank has been created and validated by subject experts from reputed institutions. We ensure that you get right mix of question difficulty levels and this gets customized by our algorithm after each test in order to maximize your score.
No beating the bush, our simplistic design is simply straightforward to use so that you derive meaningful outcome from the time you devote here. Post test analysis and performance metrics help build the best exam solving technique, stronger time management and fewer silly mistakes.
Question Types
Supports a variety of question formats
Supports a variety of question formats
smooth interface with test-like environment for students with support of multiple question types including MCQs, more than one correct, paragraph type, matrix match, numerical correct and so on.
Automate planning and schedule
Automate planning and schedule
Automated, easy to use system which allows you to schedule tests in advance and is capable of conducting exams for thousands of students in various classes / groups in a day.
Live & scheduled tests with real time monitoring of student
Live & scheduled tests with real time monitoring of student
Monitor the testing environment with real time update of student attempt. Schedule LIVE Tests with single attempt permitted or practice tests with multiple attempts.
Detailed analysis
Detailed analysis
Display solutions to students automatically after the test & provide detailed analysis. Data of students represented in a way to derive meaningful outcome to teachers, mentors & academic team.
Easy integration & systematic structure
Easy integration & systematic structure
The system is divided into systematic hierarchial levels which are in sync with institutional structure so that roles can be assigned.
Simplistic evaluation
Simplistic evaluation
One click result download - the result is calculated and interpolated by the system & all you need is a click to download it.